Children's House Art and Music

The Children's House kids are naturally creative, often generating their own ideas. So, first, we always encourage this indigenous creativity, with any medium and activity.

For art and music, let's engage in the following workspaces.
  1. Drawing & Shading - we will practice, improve, and share. Our main goal in April and May is to continue to improve at drawing. Drawing is a learned skill and outcomes are not determined by "talent"; they are determined by practicing, in specifics ways.
  2. Crafts & Mixed Media - using materials from home, we will craft art objects (geometric shapes, paper arts, sculptures, animals, human forms), plus painting, if you have paint.
  3. Music - share sounds for our record and a podcast. Some of you have submitted tracks and they are excellent. Send yours over! We will also work on music theory.
  4. History, Styles, & Theory

We are on an adventure together. Though we can't meet in person, we can make the most of our time by learning as much as we can, doing our best work, and sharing our thoughts, art, and sounds. Let's do this!